2017年1月 Onfire Japan ニュースレター

[English Below]
・Onfire Live! 励ましのビデオ
・2017年4月ベテル BSSM チーム



久しぶりにメールをします。実は、最近、ONFIRE JAPANの活動の殆どが Facebookのページを通してやっています。 Facebook のある方、どうぞ、登録してください:
Facebook 登録していない人でも、見ることができますが、通知がこないだけですね。
どうぞ、https://www.facebook.com/OnfireJapan/ をご覧ください。


Onfire Live!と励ましのビデオ

  • 「教会生活は10年以上になりますが、真の喜びを味わったことはありませんでした。今、私は毎日喜びに満たされ、みことばを口ずさみ、神様を賛美しています。私は本当に新しく生まれました。これからも、イエス様の十字架を見上げて力強く歩んでいきたいと思います。」

最近もっと積極的に生放送と録画の賛美、メッセージなどを提供しています。録画はどうぞ、YouTube からアクセスしてください。YouTube チャネルを登録すれば、通知がきます。



「真理はあなたを自由にします!ー 私でなく、私の内に生きておられるキリスト」



  • 「神の愛のうちに自分自身を保ち(なさい。)」ユダ 1:21
  • 「愛に根ざし、愛に基礎を置いているあなたがたが、すべての聖徒とともに、その広さ、長さ、高さ、深さがどれほどであるかを理解する力を持つようになり、人知をはるかに越えたキリストの愛を知ることができますように。」エペソ 3:17-19


2017年4月ベテル BSSM チーム




私たちも、ビジョンがはっきり見え、すべてがスムーズに進む日もあり、そうでない日もありますよ!聖書に書いてあるのは、「日々励まし合いなさい!」(ヘルブ 3:13)ということなので、皆さんもぜひ遠慮せずに、YouTube でも、Facebook ででも、または、直接メール・連絡フォームで、コメント、感想、励ましと改善点を教えてくださいね!


In this newsletter:
  • “Onfire Live!” and Encouragement Messages
  • “Journey of Love” - 3 week course
  • Jan 2017 Bethel Ministry Team - Tokyo
  • April 2017 BSSM Ministry Teams - Osaka, Tokyo, Hokkaido & Okinawa
Happy New Year!
Letting go of the past, we fix our eyes on Jesus, and look forward with hope to a wonderful year in the Lord Jesus!

It’s been a while since we sent out a newsletter… actually, most of our communication these days is via our Facebook page. Even if you don’t have a FB account you can access content here: https://www.facebook.com/OnfireJapan/
For those with a FB account, please check “like” & “follow” if you want updates in your newsfeed.

“Onfire Live!” and Encouragement Messages
In the last two years we have regularly uploaded encouragement messages and more recently been using the Facebook Live Event tool to broadcast short worship and encouragement times. The response has been amazing.

Here is an example comment we received:
“I’ve been going to church for over 10 years but never had real joy. But now, every day I am filled with joy, I’m humming the word of God, and worshipping God! I really am born again! I will continue to keep my eyes on the cross of Jesus and walk in strength.” 

Wow! That’s wonderful. Not our videos, but the power of THE message of HIM! How HE is the one who leads people to HIMSELF and sets people from fear, religion, guilt and into HIS FULLNESS!

Please let your Japanese friends know! Many believers who feel isolated and disconnected can find great connection and encouragement through these and other resources on the internet.
Check out these example broadcasts here (all in Japanese):

“The Eyes of Your Heart Can See!” Worship and short message with Nobuko

“No Longer Slaves, We Are Children of God” - Worship and short message

“Truth Will Set You Free” - Worship and short message

“Journey of Love” - 3 Week Course
There is something about Japanese culture that often births believers who live in fear, comparison, compromise, religious guilt etc. rather than founded in the love of God, and living overcoming lives.
Why? I’m not sure, but I think it is because many have never experienced unconditional love in the Father, and are bound by an “orphan” spirit.

Beginning with the wonderful “Father’s Love Letter” presentation (Barry Adams) which we overdubbed in Japanese, we have crafted this 3 week course on Youtube to follow up and lead people to know, experience and surrender to the love of God.
It’s just a beginning, but I believe a very important basis for our walk of faith.

Journey of Love introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqZqlgJIlAc

This is applicable for all believers, and seekers.

January 2017 Bethel Ministry Team - Tokyo
Right at this moment a small ministry team from Bethel Church is in Tokyo, and open for opportunities to minister. Please see details here if you’re interested:

April 2017 Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry Team - Japan Visit
A BSSM team of 27 will be coming for 10 days of ministry to Japan in April! 
They will split into smaller teams of 5-7 people and be doing ministry in Osaka, Tokyo, Hokkaido and Okinawa. 
Ministry dates: Sat April 1st, to Sunday April 9th.

As in previous years, we are looking mainly for opportunities to do practical training, equipping and activating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit in and outside of churches.
We are currently putting their schedule together. Please contact us if you or your church are interested in hosting a team.

Encouragement, Feedback and Improvements
Hey, we need encouragement too, you know!
Like everyone, we have days we can clearly see the goal, and we move forward in the love and power of God, and other days those things are a little harder to see! In the Word it says:
“Encourage one another everyday!” Heb 3:13
So, we welcome your comments on YouTube, Facebook, or by email… regarding what we are doing or how we could improve what we are doing.

Blessings on you all as you walk in His grace!

Jef & Aya Linscott